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Release Summary 2018

Keep current with 2018 CAS releases (everything from fix to features)

Reisbel Machado avatar
Written by Reisbel Machado
Updated over a week ago

Release 12/21/2018

  • Application restriction is now available per Security group as well in addition to individual user selection.

Release 12/13/2018

  • User lists in Applications, Shares and Security groups modules now take the whole screen.

  • When editing a user, all the editing options such as Security group and Application assignment are displayed in a single step.

Release 12/1/2018

  • Provisioning steps window was updated to include more detailed information about configuration steps when deploying to cloud

  • An option to only enable internal IP access was included for Virtual Graphic Workstations deployment.

  • Images can now be used to create 1:1 servers.

Release 11/1/2018

  • New insights features were made available to the new deployments.

  • Server uptime scheduling service was optimized.

Release 10/01/2018

  • Images were incorporated to autoscaling configuration.

Release 09/25/2018

Release 09/17/2018

Release 09/13/2018

  • Custom Images module is now available for deployments created after 10/24/2017.

Release 06/23/2018

  • Multi-region deployments can be created during provisioning .

  • Backup domain controller (BDC ) will be now called secondary domain controller (SDC) for the new deployments.

  • The system will not create default uptime schedule for backup/secondary domain controller (bdc/sdc) allowing you to define your own schedule.

  • Gateway cannot be enabled from Deployment settings.

  • Calculator was updated for multi-region deployments.

  • Deployment name can be created with special characters.

  • In GCP Billing Insights, the Project ID was changed to Project name to identify the deployments more easily.

  • When creating a user, international numbers are allowed.

Release 06/16/2018

  • Option to disable User Profile Disk in provisioning was included.

  • Region (datacenter location) is displayed in Users module, VM Instances module and in Shares (Folders/ Shares module).

  • Time zone is now displayed in Autoscale module.

  • Design of editing buttons was updated across all modules.

  • During the provisioning, desktop experience will be installed in all session host servers.

  • When creating app server, Zone (datacenter location) can be selected.

  • When selecting users, only users in the displayed page can be selected.

  • In the Billing integration page, project name is displayed instead of Project ID.

  • A filter was included in Catalog, all the applications that were discovered can be seen as well as most frequent ones that were selected in the end of the discovery process.

Release 05/25/2018

  • In CAS Account settings, AD domain admin ID is now visible.

Release 05/15/2018

  • Itopia Integration with GCP Billing export to BigQuery.

  • Advanced provisioning options: redundant gateway, dedicated broker, option to change machine types and to select storage type per disk.

  • New provisioning options were included in itopia cost calculator.

  • New labels for the functions in Users module (Reset password, Unlock, Edit, Delete..)

Release 04/04/2018

  • Dedicated File Server option was removed from post Deployment settings.

  • Question mark tool tips were updated in provisioning process views.

Release 03/26/2018

  • Calculator was updated with advanced options (Backup domain controller option, more specifics included when selecting App server, Badwidth field was removed).

  • Process to create a deployment was simplified.

  • Process to launch a deployment to cloud was updated.

  • New feature: reset domain admin password was added.

  • The option to save license is now available when the app is in pending state in itopia - Applications.

Release 02/23/2018

  • itopia CAS URLs will redirect when user is not logged in.

  • When trial period ends, subscription update option will appear.

Release 02/16/2018

  • Server is now showing "Force update" option when it has a custom machine size and the values are changed.

  • The Icons for import buttons were changed.

Release 02/13/2018

  • New CAS menu and dashboard was released.

Release 01/27/2018

  • Changes in Folders modules to support Dedicated Data Disks: C drive is kept only for OS and Customer Data folder was moved to a separate D drive

  • Fixed adding users to a share when dedicated file server is deployed

Release 01/03/2018

  • Folder permissions management was fixed for the permissions that weren't propagated correctly.

  • When creating VPNs, routes were not configuring correctly.

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