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Keep track of your installed applications in WorkAnywhere. This article explains how to manage and restrict your apps for users.

Written by Fegeins Louis
Updated over a week ago

The Applications module in WorkAnywhere works as a project

management tool to help administrators keep track of installed applications,

who they are assigned to and how they're configured.

What's New in the Applications Module

itopia enhanced the Applications Module to allow applications to be defined per-collection rather than per-deployment. This means that when creating or editing an application, you can scope the application to specific Collection Pools as well as to Users and Groups. This helps ensure that shortcuts are only published for users in specific Collection Pools and helps prevent confusion when connecting through the RD Web portal or the RD Web client. Note that selecting Collection Pools, users, or groups only has an effect if the Application is configured to be published and/or restricted (see below).

Assigning An Application To A Collection Pool

Assigning An Application to all Collection Pool users, individual users, or Security


Adding Applications

Before adding the application to the Application Module, it should first be installed on the User Session Servers that belong to the Collection Pool you’re going to assign it to.

To add an Application, navigate to the Application Module, under the Cloud

Desktops section in the WorkAnywhere portal.

Click the Create button.

Fill out the form as desired.

In the Executable Details section, you can click on Browse to auto-populate the

.exe files on your desired server

Note: WorkAnywhere supports published .EXE, .BAT, and .PS1 files as applications; script files will be automatically configured to launch with their respective shell.

After you have browsed for the .executable file, you can choose who you would

like to publish the application for. By default, the application will be published to

all of the users in the Collection Pool it's been assigned to.

If you would like to specify which Users/Security Groups you would like to assign

the application to, you will first have to remove the All Collection Users group,

and then assign Users/Security Groups as you see fit.

Click Save when complete.

Once complete, you will see the application with the Installed status as indicated

by the green circle to the left of the application name.

Pro tip: Many modern applications can be installed using package managers such as Chocolatey or Microsoft WinGet. Using a package manager makes it easy to automate the installation and updating of applications.

Application restriction

At the time of writing, we have retired this application restriction in the WorkAnywhere portal, but we will introduce a replacement in the future. In the meantime, you can use AppLocker to restrict applications for specific users. Click here to learn more.

Uninstalling an application

To uninstall an application, go to the Applications module under the Cloud

Desktops section and double click on the app you will be removing. In this

example, we’ll be removing the Chrome Default Pool application

Click Delete

Wait about 5-10 minutes, and the application will be removed. Keep in mind that

deleting the application from the Applications Module only removes it from the

WorkAnywhere portal. If you want it removed from your servers, you will have to either:

  • Remove the application from the image assigned to that Collection Pool

    and redeploy

  • Connect to each user session server that has the application installed and

    manually uninstall it.

Removing the application from the WorkAnywhere portal only removes the ability for it to be

managed from the portal. It will still exist on the actual server(s).

Supported Application File Types

WorkAnywhere supports published .EXE, .BAT, and .PS1 files as applications; script files will be

automatically configured to launch with their respective shell.

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