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GCP Billing Insights

Gain better visibility into your Google Cloud expenses when you set up billing integration with BigQuery and itopia

Reisbel Machado avatar
Written by Reisbel Machado
Updated over a week ago

itopia created an integration with your billing and BigQuery to make it easier for you to:

  • Find the cost per project per month/ per day

  • See which GCP product or project costs the most

  • Learn what’s the trend for your GCP costs

To setup Billing integration, you need to enable BigQuery export first.

  1. Configure BigQuery export in your Google Cloud

  2. Once you enabled Big query export, go to Insights module of itopia and select GCP Billing tab. Click the button "CONFIGURE BIGQUERY"

NOTE: If you don't see the option there, go to Integrations from the main menu and click BigQuery to enable the integration.
You will get the option to Add BigQuery integration:

3. As the next step, the system will ask you to connect the gmail account that you use to sign in to Google Cloud

4. Select the Billing Project where you created your DataSet when enabling BgQuery (step 1). 

Your permissions to the project, GCP Billing and BigQuery API's will be validated

5. Now enable Billing export and select the DataSet where your billing data is exported to. Click Save

Note: If you don't see any dataset available, go back to the step 7 of BigQuery export guide to create a dataset for your billing account.
After setting up the integration
the system may take up to 24 hours to update the data depending on when you created BigQuery export and configured the integration with itopia. Our database updates once a day at 12 AM Pacific Standard Time.

To review the data after the sync time go back to Insights module - GCP Billing tab. You have the option to filter dates, deployments, products and services.

Note: Google starts exporting the data when you configure the export to BigQuery so you will not be able to see the data previous to the day of configuration.

The red percentage under the total costs shows the difference between the time range displayed and the previous period that is as long as your selected time range. For example, if I filter out the month of February, the system will show me how much the cost increased or decreased since the previous month (January).

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