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Resetting User Passwords
Written by Fegeins Louis
Updated over 7 months ago


WorkAnywhere administrators can use the WorkAnywhere Admin Portal ( to initiate password resets for users. Administrators can reset the password for a single user or multiple users at once, and can also choose whether to manually specify a new password or to use the self-service password reset feature to allow users to set their own passwords.

Resetting User Passwords

The process to reset a single user's password or multiple users' passwords is similar:

  1. Log in to the WorkAnywhere Admin Portal ( as a user with the Users β†’ Reset Passwords permission. This permission is assigned to the following default roles: Deployment Editor, Deployment Owner, Organization Owner. For information on administrator roles, please refer to WorkAnywhere Administrator Accounts

  2. Navigate to Cloud Desktop β†’ Users

  3. Select the desired users and click Edit. To perform a reset for only a single user, you can click the user's Name to open the Edit view directly.

  4. On the Edit user / Edit multiple users screen, click the Reset Password button.

  5. In the Reset Password prompt, select the method of resetting the user password(s):

    • Send a password reset link: If the Self-service password reset feature is enabled in the deployment and the selected users have an email address defined in WorkAnywhere, this option sends each user an email with a unique link to set a new password for themselves.

      • If any users do not have an email address defined in WorkAnywhere, you must omit them from the password reset by selecting Skip these users and reset the remaining users

    • Manually set a password: You can manually set a new password for the selected users and, optionally, send them an email with this new password. Note that this method is not recommended for security reasons.

      • If any users do not have an email address defined in WorkAnywhere and you enable the Email users their new password option, you may choose either to omit these users from the password reset or to reset their password without sending them an email.

  6. Click Reset. If you've selected the self-service reset option, users should receive their emails within a couple minutes; if you have manually specified a password, users' passwords should be reset within five minutes.


If you are using an Active Directory trust, you cannot reset passwords for users that reside in the trusted domain, because WorkAnywhere has read-only access to this domain and cannot modify objects.

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