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Change End User Settings

Learn how to disable password expiration, force password reset at next login or enable account expiration

Reisbel Machado avatar
Written by Reisbel Machado
Updated over a week ago

The following settings can be customized for every user from Cloud Desktops section under Users module:

Password never expires - if enabled, user will not be forced to reset the password periodically
Force password reset at next login - if enabled, user will get a prompt to reset the password after the login
Account expiration date - can be disabled or set for a specific date, passed the date user will not be able to login to the account

To edit the mentioned settings, go to Users module from the Cloud Desktops section:

Then check the user you want to edit and hit the gear icon. Edit window will pop up, modify the settings as needed and hit Save.


 Making organizational changes to the users directly in Active Directory may affect the itopia integration with Google and management functionality from the portal. Please confirm with support before making any change.

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