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VM Instances Module

Basic overview of itopia VMInstances module. How to start/ stop/ restart a VM instance

Reisbel Machado avatar
Written by Reisbel Machado
Updated over a week ago

Below table shows the VM instances deployed by default. All the VM instances are named after your deployment. The system normally takes three letters of your deployment name and adds an abbreviation according to the server type. Below is the list of VM instances provisioned by default and all the additional VM instances that can also be included:

Calculating server resources

The following information explains how the auto formula works to assign your server resources:

Default: 1 CPU, 5.5 GB RAM, 50 GB storage (PDC VM instance)

FBU/USS VM instances

1 - 7 users: 2 CPU 7.5 GB RAM 

8 - 15 users 4 CPU 15 GB RAM

16 – 25 users: 4 CPU 26 GB RAM

26 users and more: new USS VM instance will be created with 4 CPU and 13 GB RAM on both VM instances

Scaling/ Autoscaling

Autoscaling is pre-defined according to the formula above and the resources (RAM, CPU, Storage) are adjustable through itopia VM Instances Module if you disable autoscaling.

Autoscaling can be configured according to your preferences from Cloud Desktops section - Collection Pools Module.

Start/ Stop/ Restart VM instance

A great way how to manage your VM instances utilization is scheduling server uptime

Regardless of the schedule, you can turn VM instances on and off whenever you need from itopia. 

When you open CAS - VM Instances module, you will see the list of the VM instances for the selected deployment and the main options on the top:

Check the box next to VM instance name and proceed clicking on the corresponding icon from the menu to:

Restart the VM instance

Turn on the VM instance

Turn off the VM instance

Delete VM Instance

You have the option to delete only app servers since deleting other servers will cause the environment to stop working correctly. Please contact support if you need deleting other servers.

Edit VM instance

Edit window will open where you can change VM instance parameters such as VM Instance type, Firewall ports, or add new disk.

You may need to change the VM Instance type to increase the resources (RAM, CPU). Select the VM instance from the drop - down list or select "Custom" if none of the VM instance types matches your requirements. With Custom configuration you can allocate as much RAM and CPU as needed. After the VM Instance type is changed, the VM instance needs to be rebooted in order for the changes to apply.

To add a new disk, define the disk size and disk type first and then click on the + sign on the right to add the disk to the VM instance.

Click the pencil icon next to the existing disk to change the storage size.

In Allow Firewall Port section you can specify ports to be open for the VM instance. Port should be added only in case external access to the server is needed. You can add as many ports as needed clicking on the + sign. 

Firewall ports open by default: 

By default the only ports open are 3389, 22 and icmp requests are allowed.
Http and https, 80/443 are only allowed if it's selected during the VM instances creation.

Learn more about managing VM instances:
Server Uptime
Update Server Resources
Connect to Server
Add New Server
Add New Disk to a Server
Server Import from GCP to itopia

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