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Application License Management
Written by Fegeins Louis
Updated over a week ago


This feature refactors the location and interfaces where administrators provide software licenses to images. Licenses can now be added at the district level and inherited down to schools without the need for manual input during class creation.


The reason for this change is to make it easier for teachers to consume district or school-wide licenses without having to enter that information at class creation. Integrations with systems like Canvas can also take advantage of this feature and make it easier to add the application to the assignment without requiring teachers to also login to the itopia admin portal to configure licenses.


From the district or school view (Manage section) all admins can see the application licenses added for the district or school. Admins with editor or owner permissions can add new licenses at the level they are managing, this way can be inherited and used in the creation of classes. Besides, these admins can select one of the existing licenses and delete it, to stop using it in classes at that district or school.

The following image show the list of licenses at the district level.

The following image show the list of licenses at the school level.

Add new license


  1. In the license list, click the “NEW” button and a form will be shown to add the license.

  2. In the new form, select the desired image.

  1. After selecting an image you can see the fields to enter the license data, with the same format described below the field. If the selected image needs more than one license, multiple fields are displayed.

  1. If you leave the option “Apply to all existing and new classes” turned on, the license could be used when creating new classes and when editing the license for existing classes with this image too. If you turn it off then the license could be used for the new class only.

  2. Finally, press the “CREATE” button to add the license at the district or school. If you don´t want to add it then press the “CANCEL” button.

When a license is created at the district level, all schools in this district will automatically inherit it.

See/Hide license data

The licenses showing in the list are hidden by default, you can see the associated image only. Admins, with editor or owner permissions, can see the license pressing the eye icon (

) at the right side of the license.

To hide displayed license, press the eye icon (

) at the right side of the license.

Delete license


  1. In the list of licenses, select the desired license to delete. You cannot delete more than one license at the same time.

  2. Press the icon (

    ) at the upper right corner and then press the “DELETE” button.

  1. The admin must confirm the deletion process in the prompt to remove the license, pressing “YES, DELETE LICENSE”. If press “CANCEL” buton the license remains available.

Inherited licenses form the district, at the school level cannot be removed. These licenses can be removed only from the district level.

Apply license on class creation

When creating a new class, if the school has licenses for the selected image, the option “Use preconfigured license” is displayed and turned on by default. For using your own license, turn off this option and enter the license, with the format described below the field.

If the image or apps require a license but there is no license at school for the image, you can only specify your own license.

Identify classes with licenses configured

From the class list, all admins or teachers can identify which classes have licenses configured, using the key icon on the right side of the image name. If the class does not have a license, the key icon is not displayed.

Manage licenses for existing classes


  1. From the class list, click over the tile of desired class to display the class details.

  2. Press the icon (

    ) at the upper right corner of the “Desktop Image” tile and click on the “MANAGE LICENSES” button. This option is available for:

  • admins with editor or owner permissions and for teachers of this class

  • classes with image or apps that require licenses

  1. Change the licenses configuration in the new form.

    1. To use a preconfigured license, turn on the “Use preconfigured license” option. This option is only available when there are licenses configured for the image at school level.

    2. To use your own license, turn off the “Use preconfigured license” option and enter your license with the format specified below the field.

  1. After all changes, press “SAVE” button to apply it. Otherwise press “CANCEL” to close the form.

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