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SSL request and PFX export guide

How to request and export an SSL certificate

Craig Medland avatar
Written by Craig Medland
Updated over 3 years ago

The certificate can be exported from ANY server that has IIS installed on it. 

Open a server with IIS installed and launch IIS, click on the server and double click ‘Server Certificate

In the ‘Server Certificates’ window in the Actions pane click on ‘Create Certificate Request…’

This launches the ‘Request Certificate’ wizard, fill in the required information. The Common name should be the extername dns hostname for the remote desktop gateway

After filling in the information click Next and select the Bit length you would prefer and click Next

Browse to where you want to save the CSR (a simple text file) and once you have the location and the name for the CSR click on Finish.

Open the newly created .txt file and copy all of the text iniside, this is what will need to be placed in the SSL vendors site when requesting a new SSL certificate. Follow the instructions for your SSL certificate provider to request your SSL certificate.

Once you have the file saved on the IIS server you created the CSR on, go back to the ‘Server Certificates’ and click on ‘Complete Certificate Request…

Browse to the location you saved the files you got from the SSL vendor and provide a Friendly name to the SSL certificate

Once the CSR has been completed and the certificate is in the IIS server, select it by choosing the Friendly name you configured in the last step and in the Actions pane click on ‘Export…

Browse to any location on the server you wish to save the exported certificate, this will save it in PFX format. Type in a password you can provide us and confirm it and click OK.

Use this newly created .pfx file to upload for the gateway you wish to deploy in the Itopia management portal.

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