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Microsoft web client install (HTML5 portal)

Installing the remote desktop web client on your rdwebapp server

Craig Medland avatar
Written by Craig Medland
Updated over 5 years ago

* As of the writing of this article, the web client can only be installed and configured using powershell and available only on Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2019.


  1. Windows Server 2016/2019

  2. Remote desktop gateway(s) server

  3. Remote desktop webapp server

  4. Wildcard SSL or multiple SSL certificates to cover the rdweb, rdgateway, rdbroker and rdsession hosts. The SSL cert will need to be in .crt or .cer format and not a .pfx. The wildcard or multiple ssl certificates must be applied to the remote desktop deployment through the servermanager for all four roles. If the deployment is not configured correctly with an ssl certificate(s) then you will receive an error when trying to log into the web client.

Start by logging into the server where the rdweb is installed. This is usually bundled with the rdgateway. Once logged into the server launch powershell with administrative rights.

Type in the following command to install the latest NuGet provider:

install-packageprovider -name NuGet -force

After installing the latest NuGet provider, type the following command to update the powershellget module:

install-module -name PowerShellGet -force -allowclobber

After updating the powershellget module create a variable that will reference the version installed and type in the following command to select the correct version of powershellget:

$psgver = (get-installedmodule -name powershellget).version

import-packageprovider -name PowerShellGet -force -requiredversion $psgver

After selecting the latest version of powershellget type in the following command to trust the PSGallery PSRepository:

set-psrepository -name PSGallery -installationpolicy Trusted

Import the powershellget module version 1.6.6 using the following command:

import-module -name PowerShellGet -requiredversion $psgver

After selecting the psget module, run the following command to start installing the rd web client management module:

install-module -name RDWebClientManagement -acceptlicense

After installing the rdwebclient management module run the following cmdlet to install the rdwebclient package:


After installing the rdwebclient package, it's time to import the ssl certificate, please remember that it needs to be in .cer or .crt format. The certificate can be imported using the following command:

import-rdwebclientbrokercert <path to the .cer or .crt file>

After importing the ssl run the following command to publish the rdwebclient:

publish-rdwebclientpackage -type Production -latest

The rdweb client can be accessed by going to https://fqdn/RDWeb/webclient/index.html

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